Which anchor line do I need?

What is an Anchor Line?

An anchor line is a long rope that is attached to an anchor. It is essential for the correct functioning of an anchor and for keeping your boat safely in place. Unlike a mooring line, an anchor line does not have a loop, but a braided eye. A D-ring can be attached to this eye to connect the anchor line securely to the anchor.

Difference between Anchor Line and Mooring Line

A mooring line is a rope used to secure a boat to the shore. This rope usually has a loop at the end for easy attachment. An anchor line, on the other hand, has a braided eye to which a D-ring is attached. This eye allows the anchor line to be securely connected to the anchor, which is crucial for the stability of the boat.

Why Use an Anchor Chain or Lead Line?

An anchor alone is not enough to keep a boat in place. It is important to use an anchor chain or an anchor line with lead. These ensure that the anchor can drag well and grip the bottom. This process is essential for the anchor to do its job, which is to keep the boat in place.

Anchor chain

An anchor chain is a chain that is attached to the anchor. The weight of the chain helps the anchor to grip the bottom better by maintaining the correct angle. This ensures that the anchor does not easily come loose in currents or wind.


A lead line is a rope with lead in the first part. This extra weight helps the anchor to drag and secure itself. Dragging the anchor across the bottom ensures that the anchor can dig in well, keeping the boat safely in place.


Using an anchor line, combined with an anchor chain or lead line, is crucial to effectively anchoring a boat. It allows the anchor to do its job and keeps the boat safely in place, regardless of the conditions on the water. By understanding how these components work together, you can ensure that your boat is always properly anchored.